April 5, 2014

#90IN30 Day 5!

Posted by MOA on April 5, 2014

Man Of Action Joe Kelly’s #90IN30 – Day 4 Update!

  1. … but with 15 of 90 done, not gonna stop now. Will rat myself out one way or the other. The rest of you, keep writing! #90in30

  2. #90in30 folk – thanks for the check-ins, encouragement and fortitude! Now, the weekend, where I normally write nothing, looms large…

  3. If you finish your 15 today, you have raw material for: most of a 22 pg. comic, almost act 1 of a script, 1st chapter(s) of a novel. #90in30

  4. RTing some great tips from @joshanon – especially for anyone trying to get through a first draft ala the #90in30

  5. @charlescrapo Awesome. Don’t worry about extra – leaving “gas in the tank” means you always have something to write the next day. #90in30

  6. Ready for today’s 3 pages. It’s sacred time now, I love it. How about u folks going for #90in30? Had a good week? A tough week? Let us know!

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