November 14, 2006

ten percent

Posted by Joe Kelly on November 14, 2006

It comes down to this.

It ALWAYS comes down to this… the last ten percent. Finishing.

A great idea and sterling execution of a project doesn’t mean jack squat if you can’t close the deal. Hit the final period. FINISH. So here I sit at midnight on a Tuesday, trying to put the last few nails in two or three coffins that have lain neglected in my brain for way too long. The final chapters of I Kill Giants. The design work of Douglas Fredricks and the House of They. The final edit of my short film, Brothers’ Day. All on the slate to finish in 2006, along with half a dozen other screaming babies…but we’ll get to those next blog. One of them WAY sooner than later.

The film has me tonight and most likely for the rest of the month. The b-roll’s been shot. Credits assembled. All that’s left is to wave a wand and transmogrify a few rolls of digital musings into a compelling dark comedy romp through the minefield that is “family”… with color correction, of course…and a few pick-up lines to sweeten the deal. That last ten percent.

The last ten percent of any project is without a doubt, the hardest for me. I’m a great idea guy, and more than competent at filling in the guts, but the endings…-sigh- “What about the blank page?” you say? “Isn’t THAT the worst part for a writer?”

To paraphrase a friend of mine who may coincidentally be my wife, “The @*#%ing is the fun part… nine months later you have to push the brat out.”

But believe me, gang… I’m pushin’. With all my might.