March 20, 2017


MAN OF ACTION, along with the entire comic books industry, remembers Bernie Wrightson with what he meant to us.

Bernie Wrightson

Joe Kelly

A legend lost. He was a master of his craft. Bernie Wrightson‘s contributions to the visual vocabulary of the #horror and #suspense genres can be felt across #comics, #film and #television. His attention to detail and superior draftsmanship infused his tales with gravity and #magic at the same time. He elevated the art form, even when his stories dragged us to the depths of fear.

Steven T. Seagle

Bernie was a legend before I was even thinking about working in #comics. When i started out as a fan and collector, I was mesmerized by his #illustrations for the numerous #Frankenstein portfolios he did. He was the Gustav Dore of modern comic book illustration and his unique attention to detail as well as his #gothic sensibilities will be missed. I’m going to go look back on those portfolios tonight in his honor.

Duncan Rouleau

#Legend seems too small of a word to encompass the impact Bernie Wrightson had on me, popular #culture and #comics. He was brilliant in every way an #artist can be brilliant. #Form. #Style. #Composition. The list goes on and on. Personally, I will miss the man because he was a kind and gentle soul. But, his work. His work is Promethean! Simply put, Bernie brought us fire.
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